Azure Functions– Gaining the Azure Data Engineer Associate Certification

An Azure Function is a FaaS, aka serverless cloud service, offering on Azure. This product is useful for event‐driven IT solutions, such as monitoring and processing messages that enter a messaging queue. The code that is executed is typically small, consisting of a single method or snippet of code. This product scales to the capacity that is required to perform the work automatically.

Azure Batch

Azure Batch is focused on large‐scale batch execution workloads. The machines that can be selected are tuned for CPU‐ or memory‐intensive activities. The ability to schedule and create dependencies between a sequence of jobs is also supported.

Azure Management and Governance

Once you have decided to run your workloads on Azure and identified the products you need, you should consider management and governance. Make sure you have control over spending, who can provision products, who can access data, and of course, how the products you use are performing. You also need to consider certifications like ISO, GDPR, and PCI DSS and what kind of compliance is necessary to fulfill those requirements.

Azure Monitor

You must log information about the performance, availability, and use of your workloads running on the Azure platform. This is admittedly an often overlooked aspect from IT organizations in general, not just of those that run some of their solutions in the cloud. Azure Monitor is shown in Figure 1.29.

FIGURE 1.29 Azure Monitor

One aspect that jumps out when looking at Figure 1.29 is that Azure Monitor groups together other logging and tracing products. Azure Monitor is a management console that helps you integrate and create a monitoring solution. Notice that many Azure products can integrate with Azure Monitor, like Event Hubs, Azure Functions, Azure Synapse Analytics, and Azure Databricks. The logs are stored in a datastore that can be analyzed by Azure Synapse Analytics, Metrics, and Log Analytics. The data can be visualized with Power BI, and if you find some data that is not as expected, it is possible to send alerts or trigger a Logic App so that the anomaly is surfaced.

An Azure Function is a FaaS, aka serverless cloud service, offering on Azure. This product is useful for event‐driven IT solutions, such as monitoring and processing messages that enter a messaging queue. The code that is executed is typically small, consisting of a single method or snippet of code. This product scales to the capacity…

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