Comma‐Separated Values – CREATE DATABASE dbName; GO

A comma‐separated values (CSV) file is just that, a CVS file that contains data values separated by commas. Sometimes, the first row in a CVS file identifies the column names:


Loading that file into memory using Python would look something like the following. First you import the CVS library, then open the file and load it in memory via the reader object. Each value in each row is accessible through the enumerable row.

import csv
with open(‘brainjammer.csv’) as f:
    reader = csv.reader(f)
    for row in reader:
  #load each row into database

The best uses for CVS files include the following:

  • Small datasets
  • If you want a simple solution for importing and exporting data
  • If you are working with Microsoft Excel

Count on the data used within a large‐scale data analytics solution to come in lots of different formats. We’ve covered six different types along with some insights about their use cases and the way in which you can access the data using code. See Table 2.1 for a comparison overview of these file formats.

TABLE 2.1  File comparison

Complex structureYesYesYesYesYesNo
Human readableYesNoNoYesYesYes
Dataset sizeSmallLargeLargeSmallSmallSmall

There are many other formats, but the ingestion of those formats into your data warehouse or data lake is just a matter of first identifying the existing format. Then you need to identify the end format and develop the code to make the transformation.

A comma‐separated values (CSV) file is just that, a CVS file that contains data values separated by commas. Sometimes, the first row in a CVS file identifies the column names: Scenario,Counter,Electrode,THETA,ALPHA,GAMMATikTok,5,AF3,9.681,3.849,0.738TikTok,6,Pz,8.392,4.142,1.106 Loading that file into memory using Python would look something like the following. First you import the CVS library, then open the file and…

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