Category: ACL and POSIX Security Model

Create an Azure SQL DB – CREATE DATABASE dbName; GO

FIGURE 2.3 The Select SQL Deployment Option blade 2. Select the subscriptions and resource group where you want the database to reside. Enter a database name (I used brainjammer). Under the Server drop‐down box, click the Create New link to create a database server. Enter the server name (I used csharpguitar), and enter a server…

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Data File Formats – CREATE DATABASE dbName; GO

Data comes in numerous forms, as stated earlier. The most common types and the types that are important to know about and be comfortable with for the exam are as follows: Let’s take a closer look at each of those formats, beginning with the most common, JSON. JavaScript Object Notation The JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)…

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The amount of data being created has increased exponentially over the last decade and continues to do so. Two decades ago the typical amount of storage on a computer was measured in megabytes. Today, a few terabytes aren’t uncommon, especially when you recognize that there are approximately 2.5 quintillion bytes of data created each day.…

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Data Structures, Types, and Concepts – CREATE DATABASE dbName; GO

Now it is time to delve a bit deeper into some data concepts. Up to now you may have noticed that the chapter content has been introductory and perhaps not so much about data. In this section, we will focus on data structures, data types, and some general, yet complex, data concepts. You will need…

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A Historical Look at Data – CREATE DATABASE dbName; GO

Humans have been collecting and storing data for thousands of years. The earliest example is a tally stick, which was a bone that people scratched lines into when counting supplies or tracking business activities of some kind. You have probably also heard of an abacus, which was the first dedicated device created for the purpose…

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Peering – Gaining the Azure Data Engineer Associate Certification

This is a relatively easy concept to grasp. It means that you can connect two or more VNets together. Resources in VNet A can have access to resources in VNet B. You can make the access between the two VNets the same, or perhaps you wouldn’t want resources in VNet B to have any or…

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Azure Sentinel – Gaining the Azure Data Engineer Associate Certification

For those responsible for implementing a security solution, Azure Sentinel is the place to start, and it’s helpful to become an expert at it. This product is an industry‐leading security information event management (SIEM) and security orchestration automated response (SOAR) solution. In addition to data collections and analysis capabilities, Azure Sentinel has threat intelligence, detection,…

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Azure Networking – Gaining the Azure Data Engineer Associate Certification

The networking capabilities in Azure are in most cases abstracted away from customers. The Azure network capabilities that link the Azure resources within a datacenter and between datacenters is owned, operated, and administrated by Microsoft. However, there are some networking products and features that let customers use and configure virtual aspects of the Azure infrastructure…

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Variety – CREATE DATABASE dbName; GO

Data comes not only in different formats but also from different sources. The kind of data shared and stored on the Usenet was typically text, but as usage progressed, the Internet needed to be able to share many different types of files. For example, Amazon needed to show pictures of their products. Pictures are typically…

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Apache Cassandra– Gaining the Azure Data Engineer Associate Certification

If you have an on‐premises NoSQL Cassandra database and want to migrate to the Azure platform, choose this service. When you migrate to Azure, you no longer need to manage nodes, clusters, or the OS. All of that is outsourced to Azure. Data is queried using the Cassandra Query Language (CQL), and you can use…

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